Look closely - there is a strawberry in there |
Tom Petty said it best - The weeding
is the hardest part (I think this song was actually published with
"waiting" instead of "weeding," but we know what he really
meant). I hate weeding. I love gardening, I love watching things that I plant
grow, but I despise the weeds and grass growing in the garden. Living in
Arizona, I have an especially difficult time in the summer, when our
temperatures reach 115 degrees with 45% humidity. Before I start weeding, I
have to preemptively call 9-1-1 for the heatstroke I am about to have.
But you know, the weeds and grass don't care what my feelings are or how many heat strokes I've had. With some rain, some irrigation, and plenty of sunshine, these things grow like...well...weeds. In fact, my strawberry bed, previously featured in two Renaissance Dad blogs, was so overgrown, I was afraid that I would have to break out with the machete in order to get into the garden bed. Finally, I just sucked it up and started weeding. I spent shorter periods of time for two evenings and one morning pulling grass from the strawberry bed until it was cleared up.
Going, going... |
One ship sails East
And another West,
By the self-same winds that blow,
'Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That tells the way we go.
...GONE! |
So, Mr. Petty, you are right. The weeding IS the hardest part. But it is also satisfying, and I wouldn't change it for the world.